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Selasa, 14 Maret 2017


Commonly Misused Word
1.      Accept, Except
Accept             : Agree to or receive
Except             : Leave out or not including
·         You must accept this money for buy food tonight
·         All my family will back to the hometown except me

2. Principal, Principle
Principal          : Mean chief (person)
Principle          : Mean basic truth or a moral ruler that influence someone
·         Bouman is the principal in my school
·         It was my principle that always make my parent happy

3. Hear, Here
Hear    : listen about something
Here    : tell position
·         Do you hear me?
·         You must standing here

4. Buy, By
Buy      : means a purchase something
By        : proposition meaning close to or indicating who did something
·         buy a laptop yesterday
·         My favourite novel is by Andrea Hirata

Confusingly Related Words

1.      Advice, Advise
Advice : Opinion given someone (noun form)
Advise  : Act of giving an opinion (verb form)
·         She can give you a good advice will make you to be a better person
·         I can find the best way to advise your brother

2.      Affect, Effect
Affect  : Mean influence (usually a verb)
Effect   : End result of influence (usually a noun)
·         This supplement can affect my concentration on work
·         The effect of Tsunami was devasting

3.      Save, Safe
Save     : Mean to keep or to save (verb)
Safe     : Mean giving protection (adjective)
·         Please save this document
·         I feel safe with you